October 22, 2024

Want to pass your exams? Here is the secret.?

pass your exams

Revisions can be tough – sometimes we don’t even know where to start – but you can improve your memory, concentration levels and even your mood.We’ve reviewed a slew of research from neuroscientists, psychologists, and nutritionists—along with advice from college professors, teachers, and students—and pulled out some great tips for revising more. effectively. These tips will help you stay fit and improve your learning.

1. Breakfast and fuels for the brain

Choose super foods: fish, dairy products, vegetables, seeds, pollen grains, nuts and herbs, rich in omega 3, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants.

Choose super foods: fish, dairy products, vegetables, seeds, pollen grains, nuts and herbs, rich in omega 3, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants.

Our body needs energy to function properly and the brain’s ability to concentrate is aided by an adequate and constant supply of energy in the form of glucose.Research shows that pupils and students who eat breakfast perform better on exams because it is easier for them to com.Also, be sure to start your day with carbs that release energy slowly throughout the morning – like oatmeal , wholemeal bread, or low-sugar muesli.You will also need to add milk, yogurt or eggs for your protein intake.”No soda for the kids!”For other meals, opt for proven foods: eggs , fatty fish like mackerel, sardines, and salmon (high in omega-3 fats), whole grains, kale, swiss chard, spinach, broccoli (any dark green leafy veggie, actually), tomatoes, and avocado .And don’t underestimate the power of a well-timed snack!Sweet treats packed with antioxidants and anthocyanins can help improve your short-term memory and lift your mood: blueberries, strawberries, walnuts, olives, pumpkin seeds, and dark chocolate will nourish your body and mind.

2. Start early…

Start early in the morning and get off to a flying start.Start well before the exam date – this will help you feel calmer and you’re less likely to find yourself cramming.Also, try to study in the morning – when your brain is rested and fresh – and avoid leaving most of your revision for the afternoon, a time when there is a chance that you will be more tired or you are tempted to work late.It would be best to establish a routine : try to start and finish at around the same time each day.

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3. …and figure out what to focus on

Different types of exams require different approaches: ask about the type of exam and you will know which part of the syllabus you need to revise.University cheating, a business that can pay off big.The galley of Congolese scholarship students abroad.In the case of an essay-based exam, you may not need to cover all your subjects, so it might be more efficient to focus on one topic and learn it in more depth .Whereas a multiple-choice test or an exam based on short answers will require a broader – but less detailed – approach to the curriculum.

4. Develop a schedule

A well-organized schedule will make your life easier and take the unnecessary stress out of your review sessions.It may seem tedious, but developing a comprehensive review plan will save you time —you won’t waste a minute deciding what you want to review on a daily basis—and will help you track your progress .Work out your schedule in as much detail as possible – including any relevant documents or notes you’ll need to study – and stick to it.And don’t forget to leave time for seeing friends, exercising, and other breaks (we’ll get to that later).

5. “Space” could be your best ally

For best results, take a topic and break it down into easy-to-digest parts – then revise it in short sessions over a long period of time.Spread out your review sessions: it’s better to have one-hour study sessions over 10 days, rather than studying a subject for 10 hours in one day.It takes time to memorize information, but the spacing technique has proven to be the most effective: it allows material to be forgotten and relearned between review sessions. CPA Exam Review Courses are a must especially if you are an aspiring CPA and would like to pass your CPA exam with flying colors.

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